Lydia playing with her panda
Givin' lovin' to the panda
She just loves her panda!
SNOW!!! It was so beautiful!
Santa Lydia!
These hollies are located right outside our bay window
She likes bracelets...a lot!
She is trying to put the bracelets in her purse
Today we celebrate one month as a family of three. It is so hard to believe that it has already been one month! I feel like it has been quite a bit longer than that. When we think about how far she has progressed..just in one month...we are amazed! She is doing so well. Trust me, we have our days....good and not so good..but all in all...its been pretty stinkin' good! :)
We are truly grateful to our God and King. This season just brings a smile to my face. Even more so this year when we reflect on God's goodness and His provision.
For wonders He has done!