John and I are so blessed to have Lydia. We are reminded every day how special she is. She is such a good girl. I love it when she says, "Thank you Mama" or "I love you too Mama!" She is just speaking so well (and people are understanding her!) and growing and learning so much. She is such a big helper. She loves to help. No, you really don't understand. This girl will get upset if you don't allow her to help you. She will say, "Lydia help please Mama."
I just love her. I look forward to the day when she will have a sibling. I think she would do so well. We want to adopt again..but are praying for the right time (and the right place) to do so.
As we are in the Advent Season, we have been talking a lot about Christ and His Birth. She will sing "Happy Birthday Jesus" when we talk about it. It is so sweet. She loves Jesus..she carries her Cross around (a Russian Orthodox Cross that we bought her as a Chrismation gift) and kisses it. Last Sunday we were confirmed into the Orthodox Church and during the ceremony (which was glorious) they anoint you with oil (on your forehead, your ears, your hands, feet, etc.) When the Priest (Father George) was done, she would look up at him and say "thank you" and he would smile...
I am amazed at her understanding of Christianity. She teaches me so much.
Oh, God please help our unbelief.
All this to say, we are utterly blessed.
Peace be with you all.