Lydia with her new friend...Elmo (every time you say "Elmo" Lydia points to her "elbow"--too cute!) :)
Our tree outside has bloomed beautifully.
Lydia checking out the flower.
Lydia checking out the flower. smells good! (actually they don't-they smell awful..glad she doesn't mind)
Is she trying to wink or did she get a whiff of that nasty smelling flower?!?!
What a great day. The weather was just beautiful. High in the 70's. Lydia loves to go outside, so I took advantage of this brief Kodak moment. Today it is raining and in the 60's--still absolutely beautiful. This week, we will be purchasing Lydia a rain coat and a pair of rain boots--so we can go jump in the puddles--supposed to rain all week!
Did I tell you how much I love being a mom!!!?